Kingston is the world's leading supplier of DRAM modules for posting

Kingston is the world's leading supplier of DRAM modules for posting

According to the latest estimates of DRAMeXchange, a division of TrendForce, is Kingston Technology to grab again the first place in the ranking of the main suppliers of DRAM modules in the world. Mind you, we speak of modules and not of production of memory chips, where Samsung is obviously the master, followed by Micron and SK Hynix.

This is not surprising news, considering that Kingston is at the top of the ranking for the 16th consecutive year. The company maintains the top position clearly, winning almost three quarters of the cake with one estimated market share of 72.17%, a value based on the overall sales of the sector. The numbers shown reinforce Kingston's position on the market as a leading supplier of third-party DRAM modules.

TrendForce analysis reports that spot prices – i.e. the price agreed for a purchase and sale contract that provides for the immediate delivery of an asset – remained high in the first half of 2018, even exceeding the contract prices (payment is deferred on delivery ) of over 20%. Despite rising inventory levels and falling prices in the second half of 2018, module manufacturers were still able to generate high revenues and profits.

The growth has certainly contributed to fuel these market trends popularity of online media streaming, the recent technological developments in theIoT and the transition to datacenter and ai cloud computing services.

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“Although Kingston considers TrendForce's estimates to be very generous, they follow the company's growth trajectory in all of its business segments,” said Mike Mohney, manager for DRAM in Kingston. As a whole the DRAM module market reached $ 16.6 billion in 2018, + 41% over 2017.

DRAM ranking modules

According to analysts, Kingston has seen DRAM turnover grow by almost 50%, while the American Smart Modular Technologies went from fourth to second place with + 75%. Even the Chinese Ramaxelthird, it achieved good results with a jump of almost 40%.

Taiwanese ADATA has increased revenue by more than 12.5%, but this was not enough to repel the assault by Ramaxel and Smart Modular Technologies. DRAMeXchange, however, expects that expansion in emerging sectors such as gaming, the automotive and industrial sectors will allow it to make further progress.

Finally we mention tigo, in fifth place, that a small increase in turnover has remained stable, however pursued by POWEV, a Chinese manufacturer.

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