KrymTETS Power Plants Start Transmission of Electricity to New Regions

SIMFEROPOL, 18 Oct – PRIME. The electric power generated by the Simferopol, Saki and Kamysh-Burunskaya CHPPs of the KrymTETS company has been supplied to the needs of the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions since October 18, the company said.

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“Since October 18, electricity generated by the Simferopol, Saki and Kamysh-Burunskaya CHPPs of the KrymTETS company has been sent to the needs of the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions,” the report says.

“Currently, the total capacity of our generating facilities is about 160 MW, all electricity is directed to support the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions through the restored power lines that were blown up in 2015,” Taras Whole, the press service of KrymTETS, quotes the words .

It is noted that by order of the System Operator of the Unified Energy System of Russia, the KrymTETS company switched the existing equipment to the electricity generation mode, including those that were under scheduled maintenance, from October 17, the company specified. Repair and maintenance work on the main equipment was completed a month ahead of schedule.

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The total installed electric capacity of the CHPP of KrymTETS JSC is 263.4 MW, the total installed heat capacity is 555.2 Gcal/h. The company includes the Simferopol and Kamysh-Burun thermal power plants, as well as the Saki heating networks. “KrymTETS” provides thermal energy to the city of Saki and partially the cities of Simferopol and Kerch, the generated electricity is transferred to the unified Crimean energy system.