Lavrov called Sweden’s statement on Nord Stream a double standard

MOSCOW, 11 Oct — PRIME. Sweden’s statement that Russia is not allowed to investigate the Nord Stream terrorist attack is a double standard, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

Russia turned to Sweden on the investigation of the emergency at the Nord Stream

According to the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, “literally yesterday, a representative of the Swedish government said that, yes, we are conducting a preliminary investigation together with the Danes, the Germans, but we will not let the Russians in there, that is, they are investigating the damage caused to our property, we are being held on the sidelines and don’t want to show anything, so that, God forbid, we probably don’t find out the truth.”

Lavrov noted on the air of the Russia 1 TV channel and the 60 Minutes program that Nord Stream 2 is the property of Gazprom.

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The minister added that American experts will be involved in the process of processing the data of the investigation.
“Here’s double standards for you, please,” summed up Lavrov.

The attacks took place on September 26 at once on two Russian export gas pipelines to Europe – Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2.