Macron intends to convince the EU of the need to set a ceiling on gas prices

PARIS, 6 Oct – PRIME. French President Emmanuel Macron said he would soon try to convince other European countries of the need to set a ceiling on the price of gas used to generate electricity in order to stabilize prices in the energy market.

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“We will convince the rest of the Europeans, at the latest before the EU summit on October 20 and 21 in Brussels. We will introduce a system that guarantees a ceiling on the price of the gas we use to generate electricity, which will reduce the price of electricity,” the president said on Wednesday. speaking at a meeting organized by investment bank Bpifrance with French entrepreneurs.

According to the French president, this will return prices on the energy market, as well as contracts for the supply of gas and electricity, “to a more acceptable plane” by the end of October – the beginning of November.

Macron also noted that the mechanism used in Spain and Portugal, which in April agreed with the European Commission on the maintenance of an upper limit on natural gas prices, “works great.”

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The French leader added that he would raise the issue at an informal meeting of EU heads of state and government on Thursday in Prague.

Macron also noted that Europe needs to be able to produce more electricity on its territory in the coming years.

“Europe should have a renewable energy strategy and a nuclear energy strategy that it will develop. Do we want to become major gas exporters abroad? No, our strategy is to switch to hydrogen energy,” the French leader added.