“Market Council” approved changes in the rules of the energy market

MOSCOW, 19 Sep — PRIME. The Supervisory Board of the “Market Council” adopted amendments to the Agreement on Accession to the Wholesale Market Trading System, related to taking into account saving the resource of gas turbine units (GTU), the association said.

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It is noted that the changes bring the rules of the wholesale market in line with the relevant decree of the government of the Russian Federation. Earlier in September, the Cabinet of Ministers issued a resolution regulating the resource saving of foreign gas turbines. According to the document, the austerity regime will last until the end of 2023. The regulation comes into force on 1 October.

“The Supervisory Board of the NP Market Council Association adopted amendments to the Agreement on Accession to the Wholesale Market Trading System, related to taking into account the savings in the resource of gas turbines,” the association said in a statement.

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According to the new regulation, a wholesale market participant is given the opportunity to submit a notification to the System Operator (SO UES) about the need to save the resource of gas turbine equipment. Provided that SO UES establishes the existence of risks of reducing the reliability of power supply to consumers in the relevant energy region, this equipment will be switched on last.

For equipment that was in reserve due to the notification of the need to save a resource, a reduction factor will be applied when determining the volume of actually supplied capacity at the end of the month, the Market Council also reported.

“The changes come into force on September 19, 2022 and are valid through December 31, 2023,” the message added.

The Supervisory Board also instructed the Market Council, together with the SO UES and the Trade System Administrator (ATS), to conduct a quarterly comparative analysis of the effects caused by a change in the fact of power supply and a change in prices on the day ahead market (DAM) associated with the use of the work resource saving mechanism and ensuring the functioning of gas turbine generating equipment.

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According to the Ministry of Energy, in Russia, gas turbine units account for about 8% (22 GW).