Mastercard is looking for specialists in blockchain and cryptocurrencies

Mastercard is looking for specialists in blockchain and cryptocurrencies

Mastercard payment company posted on its website three vacancies for managers to develop projects in the field of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, including payments and wallets.

In one of the vacancies, the company indicated that it was looking for a “blockchain solutions engineer”, in another it required a “vice president of blockchain product management”, the third said about “product management – cryptocurrencies / wallets”. New employees will work in an already formed multifunctional team focused on experimental research, regulation and legal compliance of digital assets, franchising, regions and technologies, with the aim of further developing new products and services.

In addition, candidates for two positions should have experience in managing cryptocurrency storage products. However, the company does not specify what exactly they will do. It is possible that they will have to develop a custodial solution as part of the collaboration between Mastercard and Facebook.

Recall that Mastercard is
one of the participants announced
Facebook of the Libra cryptocurrency project, which was invited to start developing its own applications for the Libra blockchain, including alternative cryptocurrency wallets.