Media: 15 EU countries supported the introduction of a price ceiling for all imported gas

MOSCOW, 28 Sep — PRIME. The energy ministers of 15 EU countries have appealed to the European Commission, advocating the introduction of a price ceiling for all gas imported into the region, regardless of its origin, the Belgian newspaper LeSoir reported, citing the document.

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Previously, the European Commission proposed the introduction of price restrictions only on Russian gas, but the ministers did not support this approach. “The introduction of a price ceiling can be organized in such a way as to ensure uninterrupted gas supplies to Europe, while contributing to the achievement of the overall goal of reducing demand for gas. The introduction of a price ceiling should remain a priority,” the joint message says.

The heads of the Ministry of Energy called on the EC to prepare an appropriate proposal as soon as possible for discussion at the upcoming emergency EU ministerial meeting in Brussels on September 30.

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The proposed measures should help European authorities cope with inflationary pressures, prepare for possible supply disruptions and limit windfall energy companies.

The appeal was supported by the ministers of Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.