Media: Australia will build the world’s largest pumped storage hydroelectric power station

MOSCOW, 28 Sep — PRIME. The Australian state of Queensland has published plans to build the world’s largest hydroelectric power plant with a pumping system capable of storing energy by 2035, Sky News reported.

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“The project is at the forefront of global renewable energy. We know that Queenslanders are concerned about climate change, and today the government has taken a decisive step towards solving this problem,” Queensland Prime Minister Anastacia Palaschuk told reporters.

The project is part of Queensland’s $62 billion energy reform plan, according to Sky News.

It is noted that pumped hydrostorage power plants are able to “adjust” to the demand for electricity. Potential energy is stored in them and generated when needed. For example, when energy prices and demand are low, water is stored in the upper of the two reservoirs. When prices and demand rise, water is dumped back into the lower reservoir—gravity does most of the work, so power generation is cheap and efficient.