Media: Sweden, Germany and Denmark are jointly investigating the emergency at Nord Stream

MOSCOW, 15 Oct – PRIME. Sweden, Denmark and Germany are cooperating in the framework of the Nord Stream investigation. This was reported by Reuters with reference to the Prime Minister of the Swedish transitional government, Magdalena Andersson, and the prosecutor involved in this case, Mats Jungqvist.

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Earlier, the portal of the German news program Tagesschau of the television and radio company ARD reported, citing sources, that Sweden, Denmark and Germany do not plan to conduct a joint investigation into the sabotage at Nord Stream.

“No, as far as I understand, this is not true. We are cooperating with Germany and Denmark on this case,” Andersson answered the agency’s question about the possibility of a joint investigation into the case of Stockholm, Berlin and Copenhagen.

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Jungqvist also confirmed that the countries are already working together as part of the investigation into the sabotage at Nord Stream. According to him, Sweden abandoned the idea of ​​Eurojust to create a joint investigation team. The prosecutor pointed out that such a decision would involve legal obligations to provide information that Sweden considers confidential.

The attacks took place on September 26 at once on two Russian export gas pipelines to Europe – Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2. Germany, Denmark and Sweden do not rule out targeted sabotage. According to the Nord Stream operator Nord Stream AG, the accident on gas pipelines is unprecedented and it is impossible to estimate the timeframe for repairs. The Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia initiated a case on an act of international terrorism after the damage to the Nord Stream gas pipelines.