Mintsifra sees risks for government agencies using imported software

MOSCOW, August 30 – PRIME. State organizations using import-dependent software risk losing access to their cloud storage, according to the materials of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, citing Alexei Chukarin, Director of the Department of Digital Transformation and Coordination of Budget Expenses of the Russian Ministry of Digital Development.

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He explained that today the world is actively using free software, which is developed by the joint efforts of many specialists using cloud-based repository management systems, for example,,, etc.

“Most of these software repositories belong to organizations located in countries that support sanctions against the Russian Federation, which carries high risks of stopping access to them for government organizations. Some Russian organizations are already deprived of the ability to manage their code repositories located on the site”, – Chukarin is quoted in the materials of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, which assessed the current state of federal state information systems.

Chukarin noted that today import independence is the main course of IT development, the implementation of which will strengthen national security and contribute to the development and scaling of domestic solutions. Nevertheless, regional executive authorities still use software that contains components of foreign origin.

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It is reported that the Russian Ministry of Digital Development is currently working on the possibility of software import substitution. A methodology is also being developed that will allow assessing the dependence of the components of information systems of state bodies on other components of the information and telecommunications infrastructure, as well as on foreign-made software and equipment.