Modular and optionally unmanned – this is the Model 412 Encore drone from Scaled Composites

Modular and optionally unmanned - this is the Model 412 Encore drone from Scaled Composites

During the AIAA SciTech trade fair, the American company Scaled Composites, which is subordinate to Northrop Grumman, demonstrated a mock-up concept that shows how the unique Model 412 Encore drone can finally look like. Unique because its design includes both modularity as well as manned and unmanned modes depending on the requirements of the mission.

Scaled Composites showed the Model 412 Encore drone in its early design version

What you see in the photos is the prototype of the Model 412 Encore drone in the initial design phase. In other words, we can be sure that it will change significantly on its way to the final project. Until then, however, there will be a lot of water in the Vistula, because currently the company is still in talks with potential recipients and is looking for sponsors to carry out further research and development works and tests.

The idea and plan for the Model 412 Encore is clear, however. This drone is to be given the option of taking a pilot on board and is characterized by high modularity, which will provide operators with versatile equipment that can even be used in the form of test platforms. In its present form, it takes the form of a two-tailed structure with an impressive wingspan and could reportedly rise to a height of 21.3 km and fly with 4,500 kg of cargo.

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Unfortunately, we do not know which engines it is to use and what its purpose will be, if it can be turned into something real in a timeframe unknown at the moment, but unofficial information indicates severe curiosities. According to speculation, the Model 412 Encore in its final version may be intended for reconnaissance and reconnaissance (ISR) operations, but thanks to the option of its armament, it may even become a potential successor to the MQ-9 Reaper drones.