Moldova says Gazprom will continue gas supplies in September

CHISINAU, 31 Aug – PRIME. Gazprom will continue to supply gas to Moldova for the time being, Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Spinu said on Wednesday. He also noted that the Russian company extended the period for the audit of Moldovagaz until October 1.

Moldovagaz paid Gazprom an advance for gas delivered in August

He said that the day before he had held talks with the head of the Russian concern Alexei Miller via videoconference and they touched upon topical issues.

“I would like to inform you that Gazprom confirmed the volumes of gas supplies for September and extended the audit period (of the Moldovagaz company – ed.) until October 1. In this regard, I noted that it is impossible to conduct an audit before October 1. Chisinau asks to extend the deadline until March 31, 2023. Negotiations on this issue will continue,” Spinu wrote on his channel in the Telegram messenger.

“Gazprom” and “Moldovagaz” at the end of October, after lengthy negotiations, extended the contract for the supply of gas for a period of five years, starting from November 1. “Gazprom” said that, taking into account the situation in Moldova, it was decided to sign the contract practically on the terms of the Moldovan side, but subject to timely 100% payment of current payments. Due to the global energy crisis, the cost of gas, and then heat and electricity, is constantly growing, so tariffs have already been revised upwards several times in Moldova.

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Earlier, Gazprom said that the historical debt of Moldovagaz is $440 million, together with penalties, this amount has grown to $700 million. Chisinau does not agree with this amount and intends to conduct an audit.