Moldovan politician Shor ready to travel to Moscow for gas talks

MOSCOW, 27 Aug – PRIME. Ilan Shor, the leader of the Shor Party, an opposition party in Moldova, announced that he was ready to go to Moscow for talks on the gas issue.

The ambassador explained how attempts to replace Russian gas will affect Europe

The statement was made in the context of the 31st anniversary of the Republic’s Independence Day, which is celebrated on Saturday in Moldova. Shor criticized the country’s authorities.

“How independent can a country be if its leadership is given money from abroad for so-called cheap democracy and maintaining a shaky economy? After all, how independent can a country be where people are promised such a cold winter that they won’t be able to move away from the stove in winter with firewood?… I am personally ready to go to Moscow to negotiate gas supplies to Moldova on terms that will not destroy our independence, humiliate the citizens of our country and cripple our economy,” Shor said in a video message that he published in his Telegram channel.

On February 24, the Moldovan authorities introduced a state of emergency in the country due to the situation in Ukraine and the energy crisis. At this time, the Commission for Emergency Situations can intervene promptly and, if necessary, make decisions, in addition to those established by the current regulatory framework, to provide all consumers with energy resources and maintain the energy security of the state.

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In October 2021, the country’s authorities agreed with Gazprom to extend the contract for the supply of gas to the republic, subject to an audit of the Moldovagaz debt in 2022. “Gazprom” said that, taking into account the situation in Moldova, it was decided to sign the contract practically on the terms of the Moldovan side, but subject to timely 100% payment of current payments.