Naftogaz intends to continue arbitration dispute with Gazprom

MOSCOW, 28 Sep — PRIME. Naftogaz Ukrainy will continue the arbitration dispute with Gazprom over the issue of payment for transit, even at the risk of falling under Moscow’s sanctions, said the head of the Ukrainian company, Yuriy Vitrenko.

Gazprom rejected Naftogaz’s demands for gas transit to Europe

“Yesterday’s statement by Gazprom threatening Naftogaz with sanctions is an example of disregard for the rule of law. The arbitration will take place regardless of Gazprom’s participation,” he wrote on one of the social networks.

Vitrenko recalled that the current contract allows Naftogaz to refer disputes to arbitration, so such actions should not be regarded as unfriendly. The head of the company also said that Naftogaz provided the necessary services for the transit of fuel.

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Gazprom on Tuesday rejected Naftogaz Ukrainy’s demands for arbitration proceedings regarding the transit of Russian gas to Europe and said that services not rendered should not be paid for. The Russian company called the position of Naftogaz unfriendly and warned that it could become the basis for the imposition of sanctions by Moscow.

Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov

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Ukraine in May stopped pumping Russian gas to Europe through the Sokhranivka gas metering station, citing the fact that it is under the control of Russian forces. Now deliveries are carried out only through the GIS “Sudzha”, however, “Gazprom” has previously stated that the transfer of all volumes to this station is technologically impossible.

The Russian company stressed that it fulfills all obligations to European consumers and fully paid for transit services. Naftogaz, in turn, claims that Gazprom does not fully pay for transit, and the companies have a dispute over payments.

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