Named the condition for ensuring the passage of winter by Ukrainian nuclear power plants and hydroelectric power plants

MOSCOW, 19 Oct – PRIME. The territories controlled by Kyiv will be able to go through the autumn-winter period (WZP) provided that the remaining nuclear power plants and hydroelectric power plants are operational, which do not require the delivery of fuel, however, with a strong compression of the Ukrainian industry, a specialist in the electric power industry with experience in one of the largest energy companies in Ukraine told RIA Novosti, who wished remain unnamed.

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Volodymyr Zelensky said that 30% of power plants in Ukraine were destroyed, which led to massive power outages in the country. Attacks on the Ukrainian infrastructure of the Russian Armed Forces began on October 10, two days after the terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge, behind which, according to the Russian authorities, the Ukrainian special services are.

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“Provided that only the remaining nuclear power plants and hydroelectric power plants (about 13 GW) are operational, which do not require the delivery of fuel at the moment, the territories controlled by Kyiv will be able to pass the cold season, subject to a strong compression of the industry,” the expert said.

The expert emphasized that there is still little data in open sources on the extent of damage to energy infrastructure. However, judging by the fact that after the 10th, the operation of the system more or less recovered in most regions where there were strikes, we can say that the damage was not critical.

“These data (on damage to 30% of stations – ed.) may be true, or may not reflect the real state of affairs – in order to buy time for some kind of respite necessary for repairs and equipment restoration,” he said.

Assessing the dynamics of the strikes, the expert emphasized that on the 10th and 18th they touched approximately the same list of objects. In particular, the attacks on the generation were partly repeated on the list of those stations that had already been hit on the 10th. As for the objects of the power grid complex, it is more difficult to say, since there is not always information about specific objects in open sources. “Based on the list of regions, it can also be assumed that there is a repeated impact on the same objects of the power grid complex,” the expert said.

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