Nord Stream AG announced serious damage to the Nord Stream system

MOSCOW, Sep 27 – PRIME. The destruction inflicted on Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 is unprecedented, operator Nord Stream AG said.

The media called the possible cause of accidents on the Nord Stream pipelines

“The destruction that occurred on the same day simultaneously on three strings of the offshore gas pipelines of the Nord Stream system is unprecedented,” the report says.

At the moment, it is impossible to determine the timing of the restoration of the pipeline, the operator added.

Now, the operator added, it is impossible to determine the timing of the restoration of the pipeline.

On Monday, Nord Stream 2 AG reported a sharp drop in pressure on the Nord Stream 2 line filled with technical gas. After that, a decrease in pressure was recorded on both threads of the Nord Stream. The Danish Maritime Authority has warned vessels of a gas leak near the island of Bornholm. The causes of the incident are being investigated and an investigation is underway.

The construction of Nord Stream 2 was completed in September 2021. The pipeline operator is Nord Stream 2 AG, and the sole shareholder is Gazprom. The main pipe was filled with technical gas and fully prepared for the start of pumping. However, the certification of the project was frozen by the German regulator.

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Gas pipeline construction

The expert called the state of emergency at the Nord Streams the result of sabotage

Active opponents of Russian gas in Europe are the United States and Ukraine, which prevented the construction of Nord Stream 2. Moscow has repeatedly emphasized that the gas pipeline is an exclusively commercial project that is beneficial to the EU.

Gas supplies via Nord Stream have also been suspended since the beginning of September due to malfunctions of the last operating unit at the Portovaya station.