NVIDIA and AMD video cards, real prices only 25% higher than the price lists!

NVIDIA and AMD video cards, real prices only 25% higher than the price lists!

NVIDIA and AMD video cards, real prices only 25% higher than the price lists!

Continue to positive trend in the price drop of video cards after the survey earlier this month and rumors about a cost-cutting of NVIDIA solutions. The new report by 3DCenter he paints on various German and Austrian shops a situation that is gradually approaching normalcy: The average price of the GeForce RTX 3000 and Radeon RX 6000 video cards is “only” 25% higher than the price lists.

We have practically returned to late 2020 prices and since the beginning of this year there has been a gradual decline after a rise in the second half of last year after a sharp decline between May and July which gave us hope, in vain, that the shortage would could solve prematurely. Perhaps it is still early to talk about an outdated situation, but if nothing else it seems it will be easier to find more favorable offers in the coming weeks.

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Tech Radar reached out to Tyler Davies of the UK store Box.co.uk, who commented on the current dynamic as follows: “I expect GPU prices to realign to where the market was as the market boom is coming to an end. By the end of April, early May, we should start to see things return to a more attractive price“.

At AMD, the card that comes closest to the price list is the RX 6500 XT, a rather controversial low-end product. The 6600 and 6600 XT solutions also start from a price list respectively 11% and 15% higher than the price list, while the 6700 XT, 6800 and 6800 XT still cost very expensive. The already expensive 6900 XT, on the other hand, is the one best positioned in the high-end range with a surcharge starting at 14%. At NVIDIA, many models have a price list reloaded around 30%, with the 3080 Ti and the 3090 settling on lower levels, the first in fact starts from + 7%, the other from + 17%.

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