OGTSU: Russian gas supplies through Ukraine are expected to remain at the same level

MOSCOW, 12 Sep — PRIME. Deliveries of Russian gas to Europe through the Gas Transportation System (GTS) of Ukraine on Monday are expected to remain at the same level, follows from the data of the Ukrainian operator (OGTSU).

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It is noted that the application for pumping through the Sudzha gas measuring station (GIS) as of September 12 is 42.4 million cubic meters. Since the end of May, the figure has been at the level of 40-42 million. At the same time, Ukraine rejects the application of “Gazprom” for transit through the GIS “Sokhranivka”.

It is also emphasized that the Russian oil and gas company has suspended the supply of “blue fuel” through the Nord Stream due to malfunctions at the only working unit (GPA) of the Portovaya station. According to the German Siemens, malfunctions at the CS are not a technical reason for shutting down the gas pipeline. But after Gazprom announced that Siemens is participating in the repair work of the unit, it detects malfunctions and is ready to fix them, but because of Western sanctions, there is nowhere to do this.

In addition, the pumping of gas into underground storage facilities in Europe continues, albeit at a slower pace than in August. This is evidenced by the information of the Association of Gas Infrastructure Operators of Europe (Gas Infrastructure Europe, GIE). As of the end of the gas day on September 10 (ended at 07:00 Moscow time on September 11), European UGSFs were 83.61% filled, with a daily increase of 0.33 percentage points (0.37 percentage points on average in August).

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The target threshold of 80%, which had to be reached by November 1, has already been overcome by 13 of the 18 EU countries that have gas storage facilities. At the same time, there are only 27 states in the EU, therefore, not all of them have UGS facilities for reserve “blue fuel”. Gas storages usually provide 25-30% of the gas consumed in Europe in winter, the European Commission reported in summer.