Oil and gas production in the Gulf of Mexico will be suspended due to hurricane

MOSCOW, Sep 27 – PRIME. A number of energy companies, including BP, Chevron and Occidental Petroleum, are preparing for the approach of Hurricane Ian, including shutting down production on platforms and evacuating personnel in the Gulf of Mexico, according to company statements.

The number of operating oil and gas rigs in the United States has increased

Tropical Hurricane Ian is approaching Cuba and heading towards the Gulf of Mexico, according to the US National Hurricane Center (NHC). Mexico’s National Commission on Water Resources Conagua reported yesterday that the hurricane could gain strength to the fourth category on the Saffir-Simpson scale.

BP announced in a release that it was stopping production and evacuating personnel from the Na Kika and Thunder Horse platforms. The platforms produce 130,000 and 250,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day, as well as 550 million and 200 million cubic feet of gas per day, respectively.

Chevron also issued a notice announcing the start of evacuation of personnel from the Petronius and Blind Faith platforms, as well as the closure of these facilities. At the same time, Chevron notes that production at the company’s other facilities in the Gulf of Mexico remains at normal levels.

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Occidental Petroleum reported “implementation of procedures” in accordance with existing plans for this case. Hess is also taking action, Murphy Oil and Equinor do not expect the storm to affect their operations, and Shell is “closely monitoring the storm’s trajectory,” according to Reuters.