“Only 5-10 bitcoins will change your life in 20 years”

Only 5-10 bitcoins will change your life in 20 years

Now a little more than 18 million bitcoins have been mined, and the maximum number of BTC cannot exceed 21 million. Bitcoin enthusiast Charlie Shrem believes that in a few years even 5 BTC will be able to change the life of their owner.

Of course, 5-10 bitcoins is from 45 to 90 thousand dollars at the current exchange rate, and not everyone can afford such money. But, on the other hand, even 1 BTC, in the case of multiple growth, can change the life of the owner.

“The best way to store bitcoin is to hide from 5 to 10 BTC in a cold wallet, so that you yourself can not get access to them for 20 years. I really think that in 20 years 5-10 bitcoins will become the money that will change your life for the better. Everything else can be spent as you please, ”- declared Charlie Shrem on Twitter.

Recently cryptocurrency exchange Binance notedthat if you divide the maximum number of bitcoins by the number of people, then a person will get only 0.003 BTC. But a noticeable percentage of bitcoins has already been lost forever.

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“The dollars that you work so hard for have less and less purchasing power, and the government all the time says that” inflation is not enough. ” The Federal Reserve is a state monopoly on printing trillions of dollars, and you must believe that this is called “capitalism,” turned
For followers on Twitter, former congressman and cryptocurrency enthusiast Ron Paul.

Earlier this year, Charlie Shrem announced that Bitcoin would “survive a nuclear catastrophe,” while banks and paper money literally burned out.