Only 5% of power was restored in Cuba after the hurricane

MOSCOW, 29 Sep — PRIME. Repair work on power grids throughout Cuba following Hurricane Ian, which de-energized the island, allowed the commissioning of 224 megawatts of generating capacity, or about 5% of the island’s total power generation, said the Havana generating Empresa Electrica.

Cuba completely left without electricity

“Restoration work … made it possible to provide electricity to some consumers in the provinces of Havana, Matanzas, Cienfuegos, Villa Clara, Santi Spiritus, Ciego de Avila, Camaguey, Las Tunas, Holguin, Granma, Santiago de Cuba and Guantanamo … On at the moment, 224 MW have been restored,” the Havana generating company said in a statement on its Telegram channel.

According to reports from generating companies from other provinces, the electricity service is not provided in the provinces of Sancti Spiritus, Ciego de Avila and Camaguey, and partly restored in Matanzas, Mayabeque and Holguin.

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The total generating capacity of the Cuban energy industry, including stations that are out of order or under repair, is 3.82 gigawatts, the peak consumption of the country is about 3 gigawatts. Repair crews, more than a day after the disaster, managed to put into operation about 5.8% of the island’s generating facilities.

After the impact of Hurricane Ian, the Caribbean island was completely de-energized the day before, two people died in the province of Pinar del Rio. More than 50 thousand people in the west and in the central part of the country were evacuated, serious damage was caused to agriculture in these regions.