Orban says sanctions against Russia have brought Europe to its knees

MOSCOW, 8 Sep — PRIME. The West has imposed 11 sanctions against Russia, but they have not been successful, and the resulting inflation and energy shortages could bring Europe to its knees. This was stated by the Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban.

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“Currently, there are 11,000 sanctions against Russia, but … attempts to weaken the Russians have not been successful. On the contrary, severe inflation and energy shortages caused by sanctions could bring Europe to its knees,” the prime minister said. He is quoted by the MTI agency.

The Hungarian prime minister added that Europe should change its sanctions policy against Russia. “The situation is such that energy has run out in Europe, we have to bring it here from somewhere else, and the energy that comes here is expensive,” he said.

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Orban also called for “fighting the greens and bureaucrats involved in geopolitical games” and convincing them not to give up various energy sources.

According to him, few continents are in such a difficult situation as Europe, but only this region makes life difficult for itself.