Poland considers the resumption of Russian coal imports impossible

WARSAW, Oct. 18 — PRIME. Poland does not see the possibility of resuming coal imports from Russia, Anna Moskva, the Minister of Climate and Environment, said on Zet radio station.

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“We absolutely do not see such an opportunity for two reasons: we do not want any energy resources, no funding from the Russian Federation, and secondly, the next season will be much easier, we can import, increase production,” Moscow said.

At the same time, she argues that importing coal from Russia will reduce the security of Poland. “For everyone in Poland, including older people, security in the broadest sense is important – military security and border security. Any support from the Russian Federation is contrary to our security,” the minister said.

Previously, Poland completely banned the import of coal from Russia. This has dramatically affected the availability of coal on the market and its price.

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In connection with the current situation, local governments are forced to take radical austerity measures – turn off street lighting, lighting of buildings, street fountains, suspend the operation of sports facilities. Several Polish universities have already announced that they will switch to distance learning in order to save on heating and lighting.