Predict cryptocurrency rate with Jupiter from Samsung

Predict cryptocurrency rate with Jupiter from Samsung

Samsung is focusing more and more on blockchain and cryptocurrency this year. According to Cointelegraph, Samsung has added new dApps to the Blockchain Keystore. dApp stands for decentralized applications. These are applications that run on a blockchain, such as that of Ethereum.

Samsung explores crypto universe with new dApps

The names of the new dApps are completely in line with the Samsung Galaxy series. The first dApp, for example, is called Jupiter. This dApp analyzes the mobility of the rates of cryptocurrencys. Think of bitcoin, ether or other coins. Based on historical price changes, the Jupiter predicts how prices will develop in the coming hours.

The second dApp is called Mars. This dApp allows users to send and receive transactions with cryptocurrencys with a QR code. “Complex address entry can be avoided by simply clicking on a QR code. As a result, typos are avoided, “according to the press release shared with Cointelegraph. This is nothing new, this feature has been around for some time in other wallets.

About the Samsung Blockchain Keystore

The Samsung Blockchain Keystore is an app for smartphone with which you can do various things. The most important function of the app is to save your private keys. The app also has a wallet that you can use to store ether and ERC-20 tokens.

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But the app also has its own “dApp store”. You can download and install various dApps. The best-known dApp is perhaps Cryptokitties. With this dApp you can collect cute kittens on the Ethereum network.

The Blockchain Keystore is visible on all variations of the Samsung Galaxy S10 and the Samsung Galaxy Fold.

HTC is also actively involved with cryptocurrency

Not only does Samsung focus fully on the cryptomarket. This is how HTC came up with the Exodus in 2018, a telephone that can also be used as a hardware wallet. In the first instance you could only pay for this phone with cryptocurrencys such as bitcoin and litecoin. In the bear market, by the way, you could still get a good deal with it, the rate fell, but the amount to be paid in bitcoin remained the same for a while.