“Push the US economy off a cliff”: ex-minister condemned Biden’s work

MOSCOW, 10 Oct – PRIME. Former US Secretary of Energy Rick Perry called the policy of the Administration of President Joe Biden “capitulation”, which made the country completely dependent on foreign energy. He writes about this in his article for Fox News.

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“The Biden administration prefers to solve problems through surrender,” said the former head of the Department of Energy and former governor of Texas.

In his opinion, the strategy of dependence of the American economy on suppliers from abroad, introduced by Biden, made America vulnerable and “”threatens to push the economy (USA – ed.) off a cliff”

The US president’s entourage made numerous mistakes in regulating the energy sector of the economy, effectively putting it on the brink of extinction, adds Perry.

The White House’s “thoughtless attempts” to deal with rising fuel prices by releasing a reserve strategic stock of American oil on the market have not coped with the task, the politician added.

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“While oil prices are down from their summer peak, they are still $1.49 higher than when Biden took office,” he said.


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The ex-minister recalled that earlier the country’s energy companies were the world’s largest producers of “black gold” and could resist the price collusion of foreign cartels. Now it doesn’t exist at all.

Last week, the OPEC+ countries decided to cut crude oil production by two million barrels per day from November this year. Biden called the decision “disappointing and short-sighted” and said the White House, along with Congress, will strategize additional tools and opportunities to reduce OPEC’s energy price controls.