Putin explained to Scholz the reasons for disruptions in the work of Nord Stream

MOSCOW, September 13 – PRIME. Russian President Vladimir Putin during a telephone conversation told German Chancellor Olaf Scholz that the interruptions in the work of the Nord Stream were caused by sanctions against the Russian Federation, which prevented its maintenance, the Kremlin press service reports.

Putin and Scholz held telephone conversations

“Describing the current situation in the European energy sector, Vladimir Putin stressed that Russia has been and remains a reliable supplier of energy resources, fulfilling all its contractual obligations, and interruptions, for example, in the operation of the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline, are caused by anti-Russian sanctions that prevent its technical service,” the statement said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin also told German Chancellor Olaf Scholz that after cutting off gas supplies from Kyiv and Warsaw and abandoning Nord Stream 2, attempts to shift the blame to the Russian Federation are cynical, the Kremlin press service reports.

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“Given the blocking of gas supplies by the authorities of the respective countries along the routes through Ukraine and Poland and the refusal to launch Nord Stream 2, attempts to shift the blame for problems in Europe’s energy supply to Russia look very cynical,” the report says.

Putin and Scholz agreed to keep in touch.