“Quadra – Power Generation” has strengthened the protection of energy facilities

MOSCOW, 17 Oct — PRIME. “Quadra – Power Generation” has strengthened anti-terrorist protection at its power facilities, all the company’s enterprises are operating as usual, RIA Novosti was told in the company’s press service.

Zaporizhzhya region said that Ukraine changed the plan to seize the ZNPP

“All our enterprises are operating normally. The anti-terrorist protection and fortification regime has been strengthened at the facilities,” a company representative said, answering a question about the measures the company is taking to protect its power facilities in the territories bordering the war zone.

The structure of “Quadra” includes 20 power plants, boiler houses and heating networks, including those in the Belgorod, Kursk and Voronezh regions.

Earlier, the electric grid company Rosseti Center announced the expansion of the special regime zone at the border power facilities of the Belgorod, Bryansk and Kursk regions. The corresponding decision was made “in connection with the increased risk of fire damage.” Thus, according to the company, earlier measures to improve security made it possible to prevent casualties and injuries among workers, and the installed fences made of concrete blocks prevented the complete destruction of the 110 kV Tetkino substation, which was subjected to shelling, in the Kursk region.

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The village of Tetkino in the Glushkovsky district has been repeatedly attacked by Ukraine.

On Sunday, at least 16 explosions sounded over Belgorod, windows trembled in buildings, a RIA Novosti correspondent reported. The governor of the Belgorod region, Vyacheslav Gladkov, reported that three people were injured as a result of the shelling. Earlier, on October 14, Rosseti Center, a branch of Belgorodenergo, reported that a technical violation had occurred at the Dubovoye substation, which supplies the Kharkivskaya mountain area of ​​Belgorod and the village of Dubovoye. And Gladkov reported that there was a fire due to the shelling of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the fire was extinguished.