realme is one of the six largest smartphone brands in the world

realme is one of the six largest smartphone brands in the world

From the latest Counterpoint Research report 5G Smartphone Shipments Rising in Emerging Markets shows that realme ranked sixth among smartphone manufacturers in terms of smartphone shipments.

realme in the TOP 6 largest smartphone brands

The latest Counterpoint Research report clearly shows how quickly the realme brand is growing in strength. It recently broke the 100 million mark for devices sold, and has now jumped to sixth place in terms of smartphones sold this year. 15 million of them were sold, which means an increase in sales by 135.1% compared to the previous year. It is worth remembering that realme began its adventure on the market only three years ago, and the data shows the results from the second quarter of 2021.

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As we can see in the ranking, despite the short internship, it is climbing very quickly. Of course, it is still far from, for example, the fifth place in vivo with 32.5 million units sold, not to mention Samsung (57.6 million). However, if we look at the results from the third quarter of 2018, the growth is huge. From 47 positions in the ranking on 6th, realme does not intend to rest on its laurels and wants to double the number of smartphones sold by the end of 2022.

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