Rosseti and NES Kyrgyzstan agreed on strategic cooperation

MOSCOW, 12 Oct — PRIME. PJSC “Rosseti” and OJSC “National Electric Grid of Kyrgyzstan” entered into an agreement on long-term strategic cooperation aimed at developing the electric grid complexes of the parties. The document was signed by the heads of the companies Andrei Ryumin and Altynbek Rysbekov on the sidelines of the REW-2022 forum in Moscow.

The agreement provides for the possibility of implementing joint projects in the field of construction and modernization of infrastructure, interaction in the development of schemes and programs for the development of electric power systems of the Kyrgyz Republic. The companies also plan to hold events to exchange experience on a wide range of issues, including training and retraining of specialists on the basis of corporate training centers, technological connection of consumers, design and construction of power facilities, digital transformation of the power grid complex.

“This is the first agreement of this magnitude, concluded by the power grid companies of Russia and Kyrgyzstan. It creates conditions for cooperation in the most relevant areas, including the development and application of innovative technologies, electrical equipment and materials, certification and testing. The implementation of the agreements reached will contribute to the development of the energy industries of our countries “, Ryumin commented on the agreement.

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“Our cooperation will be able to further develop bilateral relations between large energy companies of Kyrgyzstan and Russia, and will also give impetus to fruitful cooperation in the field of legal documentation, modern innovative technologies, exchange of experience and staff development,” Rysbekov emphasized.

Rosseti is one of the largest electric grid companies in the world. The Rosseti property complex includes 35 subsidiaries and affiliates operating in 78 regions of Russia. PJSC Rosseti includes such subsidiaries and affiliates as Rosseti FGC UES, Rosseti Yug, Rosseti Tyumen, Rosseti Center and Volga Region, Rosseti Moscow Region, Rosseti Ural and others.

JSC “National Electric Grid of Kyrgyzstan” is an energy company that transports and distributes electricity generated by power plants throughout the Kyrgyz Republic to residential and large industrial consumers. The company is also a system operator, carrying out centralized operational and dispatch control of the national energy system of the republic. The company’s area of ​​responsibility includes more than 12,000 km of 35-110-500 kV transmission lines and 547 substations.

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