Solution for bitcoin ransomware developed by Emsisoft

Solution for bitcoin ransomware developed by Emsisoft

Software company Emsisoft claims to have the solution for WannaCryFake. Emisoft announces this in its last blog post. WannaCryFake is a form of ransomware, or hostage software. WannaCryFake is a new version of WannaCry, the ransomware that ravaged many computers from 2017.

Do not pay bitcoin to access your files

Do you have WannaCryFake on your computer? Then you can no longer access your files or part of your files. You will receive a message that you have to pay bitcoin to the hackers to decrypt the files. Your computer is then held hostage by the hackers. The amount in bitcoin that you have to pay depends on how quickly you respond.

The software company advises you not to contact the hackers under any circumstances. And you certainly don’t have to transfer an amount in bitcoin when your computer is infected. That way you only encourage this branch of crime.

Software can decrypt your files

The free tool from Emisoft should make it possible to restore the files back to their original state. According to Emisoft, the chance is minimal that your files will be irreparably damaged.

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Many computers infected

The distribution of ransomware such as WannaCryFake is a serious problem. In the first three months of 2019, the number of attacks in America increased by 118 percent, according to data from McAfee Labs.

Research by antivirus company Sophos shows that 4.3 million copies of WannaCry were found in August alone. In addition, it is a problem that more and more different versions of the ransomware are being distributed. According to Sophos, 6,963 different variants were spotted in August. Of these, 5,555 are new. And that makes it difficult to stop the malware.

Do you want to know what to do if your computer is infected with ransomware? View the Emisoft tool here or read more information about ransomware here.

Just like when investing in cryptocurrency, it is important that you investigate reliability yourself with a free tool.