Spain says EU is far from resolving energy crisis

EU energy ministers make proposals for gas price ceiling

MADRID, 18 Oct – PRIME. Members of the European Union are still far from common solutions that would resolve the energy crisis, Spanish Energy Minister Teresa Ribera said during a press conference after the meeting of the Council of Ministers.

“While progress is being made at an unprecedented rate within the usual parameters of the EU, we are far from clearly defining solutions that can be sustainable in the long term,” Ribera said, adding that more flexibility and solidarity between states is needed to achieve this. members.

The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has previously stated the need to introduce a ceiling on prices for Russian gas. At the end of August, she announced that the European Commission is working on prompt and long-term measures to improve the situation against the backdrop of rising electricity prices in the EU, which mainly depend on the cost of blue fuel. However, at the end of September, the energy ministers of the EU countries did not agree on the introduction of a price ceiling for gas from Russia; according to Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto, “several large, strong European countries” were against it.

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The West stepped up sanctions pressure on Russia over the situation in Ukraine, which led to higher prices for electricity, fuel and food in Europe and the United States. Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin, commenting on the West’s idea to limit prices for Russian energy resources, said that Russia would not supply anything abroad if this would be contrary to its own interests.