“System Operator” predicted the growth of energy consumption in the IPS of the East

MOSCOW, 6 Sep — PRIME. The growth of energy consumption in the United Energy System (IES) of the East until 2028 may be about 25%, the head of the “System Operator of the UES” (dispatcher of the energy system of the Russian Federation) Fedor Opadchiy believes.

It became known how much the Truss idea to freeze energy prices will cost

“Until 2028, electricity consumption is expected to grow by 25.3% in the IES of the East,” he said during a speech at the session “Electric Power Industry of the Far East: Expanding the Competitive Pricing Zone and Integration with the UES of Russia” of the 7th Eastern Economic Forum.

The IES of the East includes the power systems of the Amur Region, Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomy of the Region, Primorsky Territory and Yakutia, united by intersystem power lines of 220 and 500 kV and connected by a single mode of operation.

The growth in electricity consumption, according to Opadchy, is caused by the dynamic industrial development of this region.

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The IPS of the East is connected with the power systems of the Irkutsk region and the Trans-Baikal Territory of the IPS of Siberia via a 220 kV transmission line. From the territory of the Amur Region, power transmission lines of 110, 220 and 500 kV carry out the flow to the northern part of China.

The WEF takes place on September 5-8 on the campus of the Far Eastern Federal University on Russky Island in Vladivostok. RIA Novosti acts as the general media partner of the forum.