The American Space Force wants to better observe the orbit. First major DARC radar announced

The American Space Force wants to better observe the orbit.  First major DARC radar announced

We have learned the details of another contract under the Deep Space Advanced Radar Capability program, which is designed to increase the capabilities of the American space forces in orbital viewing. Under the agreement, Northrop will receive $ 341 million from the Space Enterprise consortium to develop the first of three planned DARC radars.

The US Space Force will receive a DARC radar for orbit observation

The first DARC radar is to be delivered in 2025 and will be located in the yet undefined Indo-Pacific region. It will be one of the elements to improve the American Space Force’s awareness of the situation in the geosynchronous orbit. The location of the next two radars is to be determined in 2024 and 2025, but nothing is known about the contracts for their implementation.

[Ten kontrakt] is a key first step in building a global system to ensure the ability to detect, track, identify and characterize objects on GEO in order to protect and defend our most valuable space assets from enemy actions

Lieutenant Colonel Kelly Greiner, material manager of the SSC ground radar portfolio, said in a press release.

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Thanks to ground DARC radars, the American intelligence will protect itself from the problem of the vulnerability of the current systems to adverse weather conditions. Ultimately, they will join a much broader architecture of sensors and radars in orbit and on the ground, which aim to provide the Space Force with a more complete picture of the space environment.