The Brave crypto wallet will not require identity verification

The Brave crypto wallet will not require identity verification

The company behind the blockchain web browser Brave is working on its own crypto wallet, announced product manager Alex Wykoff. According to the posting on the official blog, the new wallet will be similar in function to the Ethereum Metamask wallet. It will run on the same open-source code base that will allow interaction with dapp.

The source code is based on Chromium – Google’s open-source web browser. Brave has an integrated ad-block and allows users to reward content creators with the BAT token.

“This new feature is an Ethereum 7 wallet, which provides support for ETH and most ERC-20 tokens, including BAT. For now, the crypto wallet will be an autonomous component that does not interact with Brave Rewards. It allows you to use a local wallet and interact with dApps 3, making Brave a complete web browser3. “

The Brave crypto wallet will not require identity verification, unlike Brave Rewards, and can be used independently.

“You can use your own assets and control your own keys. Brave will not get involved in transactions ”

explained the manager Brave in the announcement.

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Currently, Brave users who want to receive rewards must use the Uphold wallet. Compared to Uphold, the Brave crypto wallet is non-cutodial, which is a better alternative for users keen on privacy.

Wykoff also said that the Brave crypto wallet was designed to maintain user anonymity at any price:

“We design this system to ensure that we comply with the law, while ensuring that anonymity is an important goal for us, and one of its most important components will be the Brave portfolio. “