The European Commission revealed the details of the “gas” agenda of the EU summit

BRUSSELS, 5 Oct – PRIME. The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, at the EU summit on October 7 in Prague wants to collect the opinions of leaders on gas prices, then proposals will be formed, European Commission spokesman Eric Mamer said at a briefing in Brussels.

Energy ministers of EU countries did not agree on a price ceiling for Russian gas

According to him, the proposals put forward earlier “are adjusted in accordance with the ongoing discussions.”

“We are planning an informal EU summit on Friday, meetings of energy ministers in October. At some point, the European Commission will present formal proposals… This is a very complex and complex dossier. this issue … It is necessary that all participants speak out so that an optimal pan-European position can be worked out. The summit on Friday will be very useful from this point of view,” he said.

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At the same time, Mamer added that he could not yet say “when we will prepare official proposals.”

On Wednesday, the head of the European Commission, speaking to members of the European Parliament, proposed discussing a price ceiling for gas, which is used to generate electricity, in order to slow down the rise in electricity prices. At the same time, with regard to gas prices for industry, according to her, it is important to avoid interruptions in supplies.

“Our electricity market functions in such a way that an increase in the price of gas leads to an increase in the price of electricity. We must limit this inflationary effect of gas on electricity throughout Europe. Therefore, we are ready to discuss the introduction of a ceiling on the prices of gas used for electricity production,” — Von der Leyen said. According to her, this measure should be the beginning of a global reform of the electricity market.

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“As for the prices of gas used for industry, the introduction of a price ceiling for it should be carried out in such a way as to avoid interruptions in supplies,” the head of the EC added. Such a measure, she said, should be temporary.