The European Union has reduced the rate of injection into underground gas storage

MOSCOW, 11 Sep — PRIME. The European Union in September reduced the rate of injection into underground gas storages (UGS), according to preliminary data, in monthly terms by 13.5%, while the injection rate is growing by an average of 0.32 percentage points (p.p.) per day compared to 0.37 p.p. in August, while some countries continue to net selection from the subways, follows from the data of the Association of Gas Infrastructure Operators of Europe (Gas Infrastructure Europe, GIE).

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In total, there are now 90 billion cubic meters of gas in European underground storage facilities. The total occupancy reached 83.27%, an increase of 0.28 percentage points per day. The EU target of 80% was reached at the end of August.

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On some days since the beginning of autumn, more gas was withdrawn from the “undergrounds” than was pumped in in Belgium, Denmark and Poland. The heating season usually starts in mid-October, but last year it only started in November. Gas storages usually provide 25-30% of the “blue fuel” consumed in Europe in winter, the European Commission reported in summer.

At the same time, deliveries from Russia remain limited. Nord Stream did not come out of a three-day scheduled maintenance on September 3, as previously expected. “Gazprom” explained this by the identified malfunctions at the only working GPA CS “Portovaya”. Germany’s Siemens said it did not consider them a technical reason for shutting down the pipeline. But after Gazprom announced that Siemens is participating in the repair work of the unit, it detects malfunctions and is ready to fix them, but because of the sanctions, there is nowhere to do this.

At the same time, gas transit through Ukraine remains at the same levels. The application for pumping through the Sudzha gas measuring station (GIS), according to the website of the GTS Operator of Ukraine, as of September 11, is 42.4 million cubic meters. At the level of 40-42 million, the indicator has been holding since the end of May. Deliveries through the GIS “Sokhanovka” are not conducted, as Ukraine rejects the application of “Gazprom”.

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