The expert called the restriction of prices for Russian gas in Europe inappropriate

MOSCOW, Sep 2 — PRIME. Russian pipeline gas is now one of the cheapest in Europe and the world, there are no objective reasons for the EU to limit its cost, Alexei Belogoriev, Deputy Chief Director for Energy at the Institute of Energy and Finance (IEF), commented to RIA Novosti.

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The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said earlier on Friday that it was time to cap the price of Russian pipeline gas supplies to Europe.

Grossly rough, Gazprom is now selling gas to the EU at an average of $500 per thousand cubic meters, while spot prices in Europe have been above $2,000 since the end of July. In general, Russian gas is still one of the most cheap both in Europe and in the world,” the expert said.

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“At the same time, we are talking about pipeline gas, which Russia, for objective reasons, cannot redirect to other markets, unlike oil or LNG. Therefore, there is no economic sense in the” price ceiling “for Russian gas. But there is a bureaucratic one,” he added. According to him, the EC has long wanted to take control over the conclusion and execution of gas contracts and at the same time breathe life into its new offspring – a single EU platform for gas purchases, which, although formally created, has not yet shown itself.

Such statements speak of the quality of expertise and understanding of the problems of energy markets among European officials, the expert notes. He believes that the idea could have potential if Gazprom continued to supply gas to the EU in the amount of 400-450 million cubic meters per day, as in 2021. At the same time, the company sold a lot at spot prices. But current deliveries fluctuate around 110 million cubic meters, and it has no sales on the spot.

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“I don’t think that under the current conditions, the EU countries will be able to agree on the introduction of a “price ceiling”, knowing full well both the inefficiency of such a measure and the fact that this will give Gazprom a legally impenetrable argument for completely stopping supplies to companies that present such a thing to it. requirement. On the eve of the heating season, it is difficult to imagine such a thing,” Belogoryev summed up.