The expert commented on the first footage of the damage to the Nord Stream

MOSCOW, 18 Oct — PRIME. The first footage of the Nord Stream damage presented by the Swedish newspaper Expressen can still give little new information, the strength of the damage was immediately clear from the rate of pressure drop in the pipes, Alexei Grivach, deputy head of the National Energy Security Fund, commented to RIA Novosti.

Sweden releases first footage of damage to Nord Stream

“So far, nothing is particularly visible from these photos. And the fact that large holes have formed in the pipelines was already clear from the rate of pressure drop and the scale of methane leaks,” the expert said.

Grivach noted that the main questions of the investigation remain unanswered: this is the type of explosive, its quantity, the method of laying and activation. “And judging by the tactics of conducting an investigation by the same Sweden – maximum closeness and opacity – they may remain unanswered,” the expert said.

“At the same time, no matter what the hole is, gas pipelines can be repaired, if there is a mutual desire of the parties concerned and operational cooperation,” he concluded.

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The first footage from Nord Stream was published earlier on Tuesday by the Swedish newspaper Expressen. The video shows significant damage to the gas pipeline. It can also be seen that on some parts of the pipe there are cracks sticking out sharp edges, while on others the metal is significantly deformed. Traces of a very strong explosion are visible on the seabed around the pipe.