The expert told when it is necessary to disconnect the smartphone from the Network

MOSCOW, Sep 23 — PRIME. Most Russians have smartphones constantly connected to the Web: through a mobile operator or via Wi-Fi. However, there are situations when it is necessary to disconnect the gadget from the Internet as soon as possible, and you need to know about them, Evgeny Kashkin, associate professor of the Department of Intelligent Information Security Systems at RTU MIREA, tells the Prime agency.

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One of the alarming factors is the high traffic consumption. “It should be understood that in most cases this may be due to a software update, but in some cases this may indicate the activity of malware. Another indirect sign of the presence of malware may be excessive heating of the smartphone,” the expert explains.

If you have suspicions, immediately disconnect your smartphone from the mobile Internet, connect to Wi-Fi and run an anti-virus program, advises Kashkin. In most modern devices, they are already pre-installed and some of them do not even require access to the Internet.

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According to the expert, tracking increased traffic consumption is quite simple. You can do this yourself by going to the “Settings” menu and looking at which application “eats” your tariff.

You can also get details in the personal account of the telecom operator. One of the effective ways is to set a limit on the use of mobile traffic on the phone, this can also be done in the gadget settings, the expert concluded.