The Federation Council reported that gas supplies through Turkey are possible this year

MOSCOW, 13 Oct – PRIME. Additional deliveries of Russian gas through Turkey to Europe are possible already this year, for Europeans the price of fuel may rise, but Ankara will benefit from a gas hub on its territory, Ivan Abramov, deputy head of the economic committee of the Federation Council, told RIA Novosti on Thursday.

Russia and Turkey discussed prospects for cooperation in the gas sector

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed the creation of a gas hub in Turkey, which could become a platform for determining gas prices at the market level.

“Some additional volume of gas can be supplied (to Europe) this year as well,” Abramov said.

But in order to distribute the flows, in the future it will be necessary to build an infrastructure – “somewhere a pipeline network, somewhere a storage facility,” he added. According to the legislator, Turkey will go for the implementation of Russia’s proposal, “it is beneficial for them.” The senator also believes that for the Europeans, “in any case, the price of gas will already be higher than if they directly received fuel through the Nord Streams” Abramov also believes that the final price of Russian gas for European consumers will include the cost of restoration work on the Russian pipeline .

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Nord Stream 1: it doesn’t matter, even though we are not pumping (gas) now, we are protecting, we are bearing the costs,” he stressed. According to Abramov, all these costs, including the restoration of gas pipelines, will be taken into account in “There is no need to think that you can blow something up, and then we will sell gas to them at the same price. We will calculate everything and include it in the price, and the end consumer will pay for it. And Turkey will also make money on the sale,” the parliamentarian said.

At the same time, the senator stressed that the supply of Russian gas through Turkey “will still be more beneficial for the Europeans than buying liquefied gas from the United States.” Answering the agency’s question about how quickly an additional gas hub of the corresponding infrastructure can be built in Turkey, Abramov replied: “Everything will depend on the market, how much it will be in demand.” At the same time, he believes that Europe is interested in Russian gas supplies.

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