“The fight against crime is not the duty of cryptocurrency firms”

The fight against crime is not the duty of cryptocurrency firms

American entrepreneur and cryptocurrency enthusiast John McAfee believes that cryptocurrency firms are not required to prevent the use of crypto assets for crime.

The Washington-based publication The Hill reports that although McAfee himself is concerned about the use of cryptocurrencies in illegal activities, he believes that cryptocurrency exchanges and companies should not monitor suspicious activity.

“You cannot give me such an obligation as an entrepreneur. You cannot force me to help prevent something that could be a crime, ”said John McAfee.

The entrepreneur emphasized: “The social aspect of people being freed from too intrusive and corrupt power is much more important than the small role that criminals play in this technology.”

Many cryptocurrency platforms do not share the views of the founder of the antivirus company McAfee and try to minimize criminal activity in their area of ​​responsibility. So recently, CipherTrace added
Support for more than 700 crypto assets, including BNB, USDT, LTC and ETH, as well as many tokens of the ERC-20 standard.

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In October of this year, John McAfee launched
beta version of the McAfeeDex decentralized exchange, powered by the Ethereum blockchain. According to published data, McAfeeDex decentralized exchange will not carry out KYC-checks of customers, will work in all jurisdictions and will charge a single fee for using the platform in the amount of 0.25% of transactions.