The first blockchain birth certificate registered in Brazil

The first blockchain birth certificate registered in Brazil

In Brazil, on September 1, the first birth certificate was issued using the blockchain.

It is reported that варlvaro de Medeiros Mendonça was one of the first children in the country whose birth certificate was registered using the blockchain, without having to go through the relevant procedures to the civil registry office.

Parents were invited by the hospital to participate in a project developed by technology company Growth Tech in partnership with IBM. The child’s father noted that blockchain significantly accelerated the process of registering a newborn, taking less than five minutes.

Registration was made through Growth Tech’s Notary Ledgers platform, which provides virtual notarial services. Hugo Pierre, the company’s founder, said the startup was looking for a new solution to increase the efficiency of recording birth certificates.

Carlos Rischioto, blockchain manager at IBM in Latin America, said the birth certificate registration method has three steps. First, the hospital creates a “Birth Statement for the baby.” Then the parents create digital identification on the platform, after which the information is sent to the notary’s office and a certificate is issued.

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Rishioto said the new platform will remove bureaucratic hurdles in the birth registration process and will be a more efficient and transparent alternative to current processes.

Registering birth certificates on the blockchain is one way to simplify paperwork for citizens. Back in 2017, a pilot blockchain project for issuing birth certificates was launched in the US state of Illinois.

At the beginning of this year, it was reported that in 2018, nearly 1,000 marriages on the blockchain were registered in Nevada. In addition, birth certificates using blockchain technology are also issued in Elko, also in Nevada.