The Germans demanded that the authorities launch Nord Stream 2

MOSCOW, August 30 – PRIME. German activists staged a demonstration near the ground gas station near Lubmin. They demand that the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline be put into operation as soon as possible, according to the Berliner Zeitung.

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“Participants of the action sought the commissioning of the pipeline. The police and security forces dispersed them,” the article says.

Other media reports that one of the demonstrators, dressed in overalls, managed to enter the station. The remaining demonstrators unfurled a banner with their demands to start the pipeline at the entrance to the site.

The activist group believes that it “has the right to use gas from Nord Stream 2, because it was built on taxes.”

Earlier, the chief economist at Trinity Bank, Lukasz Kovanda, said that the German authorities would be able to launch Nord Stream 2 in autumn or winter. This will be explained by the deterioration of the situation with the reserves of “blue fuel” in the country.

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The Russian Nord Stream 2 pipeline, 2,460 kilometers long, was laid along the bottom of the Baltic Sea. About 55 billion cubic meters of gas were supposed to be pumped from Russia to Germany through this pipe per year. The infrastructure was in full readiness for commissioning back in September last 2021, but on February 22 of this year, the chancellor of a European country, Olaf Scholz, stopped the certification of the project.