The nuclear-powered missile cruiser Admiral Nakhimov is headed for the Russian navy

The nuclear-powered missile cruiser Admiral Nakhimov is headed for the Russian navy

The missile cruiser Admiral Nakhimov entered service in 1988. Previously, it was Soviet, and now it is Russian, and as a Project 11442M nuclear-powered missile cruiser it has not aged with dignity. Due to this, in 2013, its modernization began officially, which is now coming to an end, as this most powerful Russian navy ship is already on its way into service.

The missile cruiser Admiral Nakhimov is on his way to service

We learned that the shipyard Sevmash, which was responsible for the modernization process, started collecting and training a trial crew for the project 11442M. The crew will include workers, constructors, engineers, designers, technologists and specialists of other professions, therefore the total test crew will be over 1000 people. After all the works are completed, the ship will go to sea, where the test team and the crew will check the ship in all modes of operation.

This is what this cruiser looked like before the modernization

As part of the upcoming test, shipbuilders will load and install over 5,000 pieces of equipment and over a million different items on board. About 200 km of pipelines and 1,800 km of cables will be laid on the future flagship of the Northern Fleet. The entire modernization significantly increased its impact capabilities, because now this warship will carry 10 universal ship launchers for eight Kalibr-NK or Onyx cruise missiles. In the future, Admiral Nakhimov will be carrying Zirkon hypersonic missiles.

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According to the CEO of the shipyard, Mikhail Budnichenko, work is proceeding according to schedule. That is why this nuclear-powered missile cruiser Admiral Nakhimov will enter the navy later this year.