The nuns inspired tiny sensors shed by the wind and powered by the sun

The nuns inspired tiny sensors shed by the wind and powered by the sun

You imagine spreading thousands of sensors over a large area using only… wind. Seems impossible? Well, in an age of progressive miniaturization and technological advancement, nothing is impossible and here we see how today the nuns have inspired tiny sensors.

Scientists have developed tiny sensors that can scatter around the area and monitor the environment

The revolutionary work of scientists at Washington University boils down to the lightness and compactness of these new dandelion-style sensors. Thanks to these features, they can simply be scattered in high places and get carried away by the wind, and then draw energy from the sun to act and … collect, among others. information on temperature and humidity, i.e. simply monitoring the environment. All this without any human interference, who would be responsible only for the analysis of the collected data.

In practice, these tiny sensors weighing ~ 30 milligrams would consist of tiny solar panels and a capacitor, and up to four sensors. These would provide information to stations up to 60 meters away, although there would probably be ways to make some nuns just communication hubs.

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What is certain is that the scientists on this version will not stick to it and in fact already have some ideas on how to improve this initial design to avoid the problem of electronic waste being dispersed among the considerations.