The Polish operator of the Druzhba oil pipeline did not reveal the fault of third parties in the state of emergency

WARSAW, Oct. 12 — PRIME. The Polish operator of the Druzhba oil pipeline, Pern, did not reveal the guilt of third parties in the oil spill, the company said.

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Earlier, Pern announced the depressurization of one of the two lines of the Druzhba oil pipeline leading to Germany.

“After removing most of the contamination from the site located next to the oil pipeline damaged yesterday, Pern’s technical services localized the leak. From the primary conclusions and from the way the pipeline was deformed, it follows that at the moment there are no signs of third-party intervention,” the report says.

Currently, specialists are conducting “detailed studies, the purpose of which is to determine the cause of the accident and repair the highway in order to start pumping raw materials as soon as possible.”

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In addition to restoring the operation of the pipeline that supplies oil to Germany, Pern said it has begun “intensive land reclamation work (the corn field where the oil spilled – ed.) to return it to its original state as soon as possible. Restoration activities are carried out by employees Pern Environmental Department and a specialized third party company hired by the pipeline operator.