The Project 636.3 submarines will play an important role in the Russian Pacific fleet

The Project 636.3 submarines will play an important role in the Russian Pacific fleet

Already in 2024, the Russian fleet in the Pacific will scare the enemies a little more, because as many as 6 new submarines of Project 636.3 will be incorporated into it. The announcement comes several days after the Russian submarine Magadan B-602, which NATO refers to as the “Improved Kilo”, entered service.

Project 636.3 submarines in the Russian Pacific fleet

At least, this is what the commander of the Russian navy, Admiral Nikolai Yevmienov, said, telling the Russian news agency (TASS) that by 2024, six hybrid-propelled Project 636.3 submarines (combining diesel generators with batteries) Pacific, thanks to the fact that the construction of each of these submarines is ahead of schedule.

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Currently, four are fully operational, and the upcoming Możajsk and Yakutsk will operate around 2023/2024. All of them are characterized by a low acoustic signature and it is not without reason that they are considered to be one of the quietest submarines in the world. In practice, they are simply improved, more advanced Soviet 877EKM Kilo-class ships with an elongated hull.

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The Russian Navy received the first Project 636.3 ship in November 2019, the second one on October 24, 2020, the third one just over a dozen days ago, on October 12, and currently work is already underway on board the fourth.