“The public will still see a new wave of altcoins”

“The public will still see a new wave of altcoins”

Bitcoin has dominated the cryptocurrency market since its inception, but lately its dominance has become even more pronounced. However, according to Charlie Shrem, we will see a new wave of altcoins.

The famous cryptocurrency investor Charlie Shrem believes that despite the overwhelming superiority of the first cryptocurrency, there is still hope for altcoins. He expressed his opinion in the program on CNBC.

“Everyone will see the next level of altcoins. Different projects, different companies create different things, but they always learn from past mistakes, ”Shrem emphasized.

The investor noted that often companies do not launch projects in which tokens could be used. This is a problem, because companies have not received any benefits from tokens.

Shrem said that he does not plan to sell his stock of altcoins, especially since he only has a few thousand dollars in alternative cryptocurrencies. But if he had big money in such coins and tokens, then he would have thought about selling them.

“I just keep them and wait, maybe something will come out of it. There is no sense in selling them for 2,000. If they completely depreciate, it’s not scary, and if they reach 20,000, then I will at least make a profit, ”said Shrem.

The program was also attended by eToro CEO Yoni Assia, who supported his colleague and said that he did not plan to sell altcoins at the current market price.

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Earlier this year, Charlie Shrem said that even in the event of a nuclear disaster, Bitcoin will survive, unlike traditional banks and fiat currencies.