The Russian Foreign Ministry did not rule out new meetings of the UN Security Council on Nord Stream

MOSCOW, 3 Oct — PRIME. Russia may hold new meetings of the UN Security Council on the situation at Nord Stream, if necessary, said Dmitry Polyansky, First Deputy Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN.

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“I don’t rule it out, it’s too early to talk about it, but if necessary, of course, we will hold new meetings on this matter. For now, the meeting that took place is quite enough,” he said on the air of the Rossiya 24 TV channel.

According to him, Russia managed to bring its position on the situation at the Nord Streams during the meeting of the UN Security Council on this topic. He added that “almost without exception” colleagues in the Security Council expressed concern about what had happened, while no one pointed to Russia’s involvement in sabotage.

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“But our American and British colleagues tried to present the case in such a way that this is another attempt by Russia to use the rostrum of the Security Council for some unfounded accusations and allegations,” he said, stressing that Russia did not blame anyone, but only voiced the facts.

According to Polyansky, the meeting was useful.