The Russians increased the number of appeals to Roskomnadzor in the first half of the year

MOSCOW, 25 Aug — PRIME. Roskomnadzor received 144,835 applications from citizens in the first half of 2022, which is 25.5% more than in the same period last year, the agency said.

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“In the first half of 2022, Roskomnadzor and its territorial bodies received 144,835 appeals from citizens, which is 25.5% more than in the same period last year. Of these, 19,067 were in writing, 101 orally, and electronically. 125 667,” the ministry’s Telegram channel says.

It is noted that the largest number of appeals to the department was received in March – 10,323, which is almost four times more than last year.

Most of the questions received, as specified by the agency, concerned the placement of illegal information on the Internet, including fakes about a special military operation in Ukraine. The number of questions on the topic of prohibited materials amounted to 63,592, which is almost twice as many as in the same period last year.

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On the topic of personal data protection, the department received 27,212 appeals, on the topic of control (supervisory) activities of Roskomnadzor in the field of communications – 15,799. .

The department adds that in addition to the appeals that citizens sent personally to the department, a significant part of them were redirected from various government agencies. The total number of applications received by the central office of the department from government agencies exceeded 8.8 thousand.